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Fastify is a high-performance web framework for Node.js, known for its speed and low overhead. It's easy to use and highly efficient for building APIs and web applications.

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Building a new developereconomy

Hybrid source software

Playbooks is a digital marketplace where developers can buy, sell, and exchange software seamlessly. Our platform offers an alternative to open source letting developers monetize their time and expertise. We call it hybrid source software.

Support independent developers

Developers are the unsung heros of the internet and your time should be respected the same as any other industry. That's why we're building a new economy for developers that celebrates your creativity while fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment.

An economy that works

At Playbooks we're building an open, transparent, and rewarding economy that works for everyone. That's why 70% of every sale goes to content creators (and their contributors) with another 10% dedicated to community projects via the bounty program.